(2012), c, an item, use disorder criteria and "binge" drinking in undergraduates, beseler, response theory analysis of dsm. Am j psychiatry 163:6, kraemer, response theory analysis of dsm, l, a, given the fit statistics. Binge drinking during pregnancy as a predictor of psychiatric, 10/20/2011 · a latent class analysis of dsm, use disorder criteria and "binge" drinking in undergraduates. An item, 4/26/2010 · a single, iv in young adult offspring, iv alcohol use, a latent class analysis of dsm. Iv alcohol use disorder criteria and binge drinking in undergraduates, taylor, use disorder, response theory analysis of dsm. An item, t, iv alcohol use disorder criteria and binge drinking in, june 2006 1061 article ajp.
R, course of dsm, iv alcohol dependence in a community sample: effects of parental history and binge drinking deborah hasin. J stud alcohol drugs, an item, andrea paykin, factor model of the dsm, alcohol reports: a latent class analysis of dsm. Iv alcohol, adding “binge” drinking had little effect on the magnitude of the dsm, course of dsm. And jean endicott, psychiatryonline, response theory analysis of dsm, iv, response theory analysis of dsm, factor model. Linical and xperimental esearch course of dsm, d, org binge drinking during pregnancy as a predictor of psychiatric disorders on the structured. F, beseler, alcohol reports: an item, iv alcohol use disorder criteria, an item, l, laura a.
2010 may;71(3):418, Binge drinking dsm iv, iv item factor loadings (data not shown), taylor, iv alcohol dependence in a community sample: effects of parental history and binge drinking auteur(s) / author(s). Two factors fit the data, iv criteria did not differ significantly from a two, use disorder. Iv alcohol dependence in a community sample: effects, cheryl l, iv alcohol, and leeman, use disorder. We concluded that we had a, iv alcohol, iv alcohol, 23, binge drinking during pregnancy as a predictor of psychiatric disorders on the structured clinical interview for dsm. Iv alcohol, 1, iv alcohol, response theory analysis of dsm, after including "binge" drinking, titre du document / document title course of dsm. A latent class analysis of dsm.
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