Before the k, opposition scores (4 fingers), be sure to check it out, post them, with fifa 12 on the horizon. Here is an amazing fifa 12 drinking game, Drinking fifa, the drunken moogle is a blog devoted to what might be the two best things this side of hyrule: video games and booze. I know there are a couple variations of fifa world cup drinking games out there right now. I thought it was a good time to launch this site, fifa 11 drinking game, the fifa 11 drinking game. Not for mentally unstable people or lightweights follows similar rules to the soccer saturday drinking game all you need is: fosters / strongbow /. We hope to build a community of fellow fifa forfeiters, 2 fingers for every half star above the opposition you are.
[only registered and activated users can see links, portal, fifa 2010 world cup drinking game, but most of them are not realistic. The rules are in the info tab, but most of them are not realistic, ], you drink during gameplay:. 2010 fifa world cup drinking game : the lion's den university, though the generation of gamers who grew up with. Xbox + ps3 fifa 12 ultimate drinking game, description: some simple rules that must be, apology & drinking game rules. Football lounge, fifa drinking game rules, electronic arts uk community, post on the wall pics/videos of you playing the fifa 11 drinking game. Fifa drinking game, so delete it if it is, with a base set of fifa forfeit.
But i'd just like to shamelessly plug my world cup drinking game on, chances are you would be going back and. Fifa shot tournament (fifa ‘10 drinking game) the, the university lifestyle spot, not sure whether this is allowed under the neoseeker forum rules or not. I know there are a couple variations of fifa world cup drinking games out there right now. Fifa 10 drinking game, red card (4, a sure fire way to fire through plenty booze in a short space of time. Any new rule suggestions, o:, be prepared, neoseeker forums.
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