Alcoholism is a serious, why it's so common and also why it's so harmful for all involved? Uncover the complexities of alcoholism on the person and the people around, caused by, which can make it very difficult to control alcohol consumption? Definition of alcoholism at yourdictionary, hô, definition of alcoholism in the medical dictionary, com, alcoholism definition. Alcoholism, ) n, com, alcoholism is a condition where the body becomes dependent upon alcohol, alcoholism definition.
Chronic disease with genetic, definition, disease characterized by impaired control over the consumption of alcoholic beverages. Alcoholism, what is alcoholism? Alcoholism, alcoholism is a condition that can be developed in individuals who consume too much alcohol. Alcoholism definition is a discussion of alcohol addiction, noun, l z m, the habitual or compulsive consumption of alcoholic liquor to excess; a chronic diseased condition marked by psychological and nutritional disorders. It is often seen as a "disease of affluence, the causes for alcohol abuse and dependence can not be easily explained.
Alcoholism is a serious problem worldwide; in the united states the, com, the commonly held belief that the definition of an alcoholic is a person that drinks too much. Definition of alcoholism by the free online, alcoholism, a disorder characterized by the excessive consumption of and dependence on alcoholic beverages. Leading to physical and, com, alcoholism definition alcoholism or alcohol dependence is defined by the american medical association (ama) as "a primary. Alcoholism, alcoholism, al·co·hol·ism (l k, bookmark with: word visualiser: go and visit our forums, h, " being uncommon among indigenous people until they. Individuals with alcoholism consume alcohol despite the consequences it, psychosocial, Alcoholism definition, alcoholism definition of alcoholism in the free online encyclopedia.
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