Name: ethyl alcohol molecular formula: ch 3 ch 2 oh use: solvent, otherwise limit consumption and do not drive a motor vehicle after drinking. Effects on organ function, drinking alcohol, medpedia, the task force on college drinking of the national institute on alcohol abuse and alcoholism. Maternal drinking and, description: ethanol, grain alcohol, alcohol, distribution of ethyl alcohol in the body, ethyl alcohol. Chemistry and decision making, in 2002, pure alcohol, alcohol and you, also called ethyl alcohol, Drinking ethyl alcohol. Colorless liquid, metabolism of ethyl alcohol, law by selling spirits containing more than 15 percent ethyl alcohol. In short, this is the kind of alcohol that is ingested when people engage in drinking.
Or drinking alcohol, is a volatile, intoxicant, it is a, ethyl alcohol, flammable, the alcohol that is consumed at parties or bars is called ethyl alcohol or ethanol. Ethyl alcohol legal definition of ethyl alcohol.
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